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The future of Sampling, Starts Today.

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Sample Materials provides students with the same tools as our pro architects and designers. Our leadership team works directly with leading university interior design programs, we know your needs.

Try Sample Materials for the most efficient search, supplier communication, and sample details you need for your school’s projects.


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Only Sample Materials has…

  • Real-time Chat to Suppliers on the Product SKU Level
  • Moodboards and other Inspiration Tools 
  • “Instant Match” Samples from our Inspiration or your Uploaded Images
  • Local Suppliers Willing to Deliver Full Size Samples Same Day
  • Geo-located Supplier Reps, Meet Reps Who Actually Chose to Help You!
  • Exact HEX # Color Match
  • All Suppliers Welcome, We Treat New Suppliers the Same as our Largest Suppliers

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